Cam­pus OWL

The five state universities in the Ostwestfalen-Lippe region work closely together. At the start of 2016, the rectors and presidents of Bielefeld University, Paderborn University, Bielefeld University of Applied Sciences, OWL University of Applied Sciences and Arts and the University of Music Detmold signed a co-operation agreement. This saw the founding of “Campus OWL” – a joint network that facilitates cooperation, provides a platform for developing ideas for collaboration and enhances the visibility of Ostwestfalen-Lippe as a region of science and innovation.


The liaison office in New York – Campus OWL, Inc. – advertises study and research opportunities and promotes collaboration with North American partner institutions. It serves as a service centre and contact point for students, academics and researchers, entrepreneurs and administrative staff from OWL and North American universities.

Ge­mein­same Pro­jekte

Innovationslabor OWL

Förderung 1,27 Millionen Euro

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Förderung 2 Millionen Euro

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Campus OWL International

"Projekt Integra"

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Campus OWL – Chancen bei Studienzweifel und Studienausstieg

Förderung 924.000 Euro

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Rail Campus OWL

Projektvolumen: 19 Millionen Euro

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Ver­an­stal­tun­gen der Hoch­schu­len

Zu den Kalendern